My Profile Professional & Literary Prolific writer, speaker and Television guest on technical and socio-political subjects. Published more than dozen books and numerous articles in Foreign and Inddian News papers and Magazines. Active member of Computer Society of India. Active member of Data Processing Manufactures Association of USA. Resource person of national accreditation of all India council of Technical education. Positions President of SAMUHYA SAMRAKSHANA SAMITHI, a Human Right Organization engaged in safeguarding fundamental rights of individuals who are marginalized in society. Chairman of India Hospital, Trivandrum Publisher. India books, Trivandrum. Akshitha magazine Syndicate member in University of Kerala during the period October 2002 - December 2004 Professional Experience Data Processing Specialist (Dec 74 - April 77). NASA/GODDARD Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, Maryland Technical Writer(April 77 - July 78).National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC Computer Specialist (July 78 - Sep 79).United State Dept. of Education National Centre for Education Statistics, Washington DC Computer Scientist (Sep 79 - Dec 81).Pentagon, US Department of Defence, Washington DC System Administrator (Dec 81 - May 85).United States Coast Guard Operational Computer centre President (May 85 - April 90).Krishna Computers INC., Newyork City Chairman and Managing Director (May 85 - April 90).Kerala Info Tech Ltd. Trivandrum Social & Political PresidentPeoples’ Committee of Vilappil Assembly Constituency elect V.K.Krishna Menon in 1970 First General SecretaryFederation of Kerala Association in North America (FOKANA) Founder SecretaryKerala Association of Greater Washington Co-ordinatorMcGovern for President Election Committee Student Chapter, Washington DC, 1972 First TreasurerIndian Cultural Co-Ordinating Committee, Washington DC Founder MemberJana Adhikara Party (JAP), an AAP model political outfit in Trivandrum. BACK TO HOME Latest Books MY PROFILE MY BOOKS ARTICLES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES GALLERY VIDEOS CONTACT ME